Nourish your creativity with us! Our workshops fuse playful art practices with thoughtful reflection to evoke delight. Experience the joy of experimentation, engaging your imagination, and learning new skills.
Single-Day & Multi-Session Art Programs
for schools, community centers, libraries, birthday parties, and more!
After School, Summer, & Special Programs for Elementary Age Kids in the Berkshires
2025 WINTER RegistratioN COMING SOON!
Program beginS JANUARY 13th
Grades K-4 | 4 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world." -Einstein
Join us in cultivating children's imaginations! Donate to our Creative Playdate Scholarship Fund and directly support children’s growth.
Our mission is to ignite creativity that fosters meaningful connections
with art, nature, and community.
Our programs aim to:
Cultivate the curiosity and creativity that supports each individual’s greater well-being.
Provide opportunities for immersive sensory engagement with materials that inspire iteration.
Encourage thoughtful, sustainable choices in our creative practices and everyday actions.
Ignite delight through embracing experimentation, playfulness, and building new skills.
For more info about our K-12 & Adult programs, please complete the PROGRAM INQUIRY FORM or EMAIL.